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From Grower to Glass

We import and distribute limited-production grower champagne, exploring high-value, one of a kind story and terroir champagne from grower to glass.


Grower Champagne

The Victorieux portfolio.

Our portfolio includes only sustainable, organic, or biodynamic grower champagne from vignerons independents. We source our wines through exclusive relationships with recoltant manipulants in the Vallee de la Marne, Montagne de Reims, Cotes des Bars (Aube), and Cote de Sezzane. We emphasize our focus on female producers and wines from the rustic southern reaches of the region. 

Champagne currently available for 2024



Our Story

Sharing the emotion and terroir of grower champagne.

Thomas M. Brems, J.D., importer and founder of Victorieux, immersed himself in French culture at a young age while attending lycée in Troyes, France and serving as a helping hand at a local aubérge. Later, his mother opened a family-run restaurant in the nearby town of Aix-en-Othe.

In the pursuit of helping others to discover the near-hidden southern reaches of Champagne, Thomas knocked on doors vitner-by-vitner while exploring the Cote de Sezanne.  Nestled in the small village of Fontaine-Denis, Thomas stumbled upon the Champagne of Cédric Guyot. While Cédric’s young son played between the tressled vines, and jumpsuit-clad father tended the family vineyards, Thomas sampled Guyot’s finest. Thomas admired the harmony of the Champagne and emphasis on terroir, and fell in love with the story of family. 

To Thomas, good champagne is produced from the heart. It is an expression of terroir and of the grower. As the land expresses its history through the flavors in the wines it produces, the history of the grower shines through in the process.  As an art form, vinting a fine Champagne captures the unique scent, sun, and soil of a particular vineyard involved. It reflects the values of the family creating it. Terroir is intrinsic, and good champagne possesses its own identity as unique as a fingerprint. 

Overtime and through exposure to other vintners in the region, it became clear that terroir-rich champagne was a calling card of the crème of the region.  Thus, the dream was expanded to include an emphasis on terroir from the finest Small Grower Champagnes in the Côte de Sézanne and L’Aube (Côte de Bars).  

During Thomas’ time in University this passion-project took shape.  In his undergraduate studies, Thomas researched and analyzed Champagne consumption trends, and continued to hone his vision.  In Maine, the vision crystallized. With support from the University of Maine School of Law and the Bride Family Foundation Entrepreneurial Fellowships (first in 2015, and again in 2016), Thomas networked in the Maine alcohol industry and legally developed his business obtaining a federal import license. Through this valuable experience and monetary assistance, Thomas officially created Victorieux LLC and journeyed through the largely self-taught and self-guided process of acquiring permits at the state and French level. 

Victorieux now serves as a conduit to the undiscovered. We locate fine wines produced by growers that are passionate about preserving their heritage, exploring new frontiers of champagne, and staking a claim for terroir in Champagne.